Program Introduction

Our mission is to help changemakers thrive in their lives and work without endless cycles of burnout. We believe quality programming stems from the wellbeing of teams. The health of a team begins with the health of its individuals. Individual care is best attended when addressed within community and ecosystems.

Program Introduction

Our mission is to help changemakers thrive in their lives and work without endless cycles of burnout. We believe quality programming stems from the wellbeing of teams. The health of a team begins with the health of its individuals. Individual care is best attended when addressed within community and ecosystems.

Description of the Problems Orgs Face

Description of the Problems Orgs Face

Key points on what they can get out of shifting to a Regenerative Model of Working

Create flexible, resilient and responsive workplaces to face the new challenges of 21st century work

Prevent burnout and increase job satisfaction

Navigate the transition from the old paradigm to the new with more flow and less turbulence

How we works with Orgs

Bespoke, Highly Customise, Different Levels - Exec, Teams, Staff, Field Staff…

Adapt our unique approach from the individual True Changemaker Coachign Program to the systemic to create thriving environments and happy staff.

Every org face unique challenges due to their context and own ecosystem, thus we tailor our program to your needs

Intervene at any levels, from executive leadership to frontline staff

Accessible for small-mid orgs, high touch – 

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